Welcome to the Sistahs After God's Heart blogsite- You are not alone. We are at war with the devil. We are ladies who have decided to be in the world yet not of the world. We are not perfect and mistakes have been made. We are here to support each other and provide a strong system of Sistahs dealing with sexual impurity, dating as a christian, self-esteem issues, raising children, marriage, homosexuality and more.

So what you're a sinner, Guess What? God wants you ANYWAY!

11 January 2010

"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst." 
1 Timothy 1:15

One of the most common misconceptions that non-believers have about Christianity and coming to Christ is that you have to “be right” or adopt a certain “stiff-like” lifestyle in order to be saved or be a Christian. This is NOT TRUE. The bible tells us to “come as you are.” That means in all your sin, your filth and dirt, God loves and wants you anyway.

Even with all the partying, drinking, smoking, pre-marital sex, unnatural sex acts, lust, envy, greed, and yes, even murder, GOD LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOU ANYWAY!

He doesn’t expect his children to be perfect beings but He does expect us to make the effort on our part. See, what a lot of people don’t grasp is the fact that God is our Father, our Heavenly Father and just like an earthly father, he knows we will make mistakes and sometimes make the decision that may be the wrong decision. It would be unrealistic to think that God would expect us to be perfect and flawless in every way.

God allowed us free will in a world where sin does exist, where death, disease and destruction does exist. In fact, His love demands that he gives us free will. Sadly, no one is immune to the wrong decisions of others. When bad things happen in the world, it is usually because people have used their free-will to do the things that they wanted and are pleasing to their flesh.

So, that’s the first thing. Sin DOES exist and no matter whom we are, where we are, there is no way possible that we would be perfect beings and not fall prey at some point to sin. It’s not the fact that we have fallen prey to sin, it’s the fact that when we do, we must deter from sin and confess them to God to give us the strength to make the right decisions, to ask him to walk with us and to show us with our natural minds to think like Him and not of the world.

Written by K. Johnson
If I could Ask God One Question by Greg Johnson

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