Welcome to the Sistahs After God's Heart blogsite- You are not alone. We are at war with the devil. We are ladies who have decided to be in the world yet not of the world. We are not perfect and mistakes have been made. We are here to support each other and provide a strong system of Sistahs dealing with sexual impurity, dating as a christian, self-esteem issues, raising children, marriage, homosexuality and more.

ANGER- Just Let it Go!

11 January 2010

Growing up, I have always had issues with anger, especially learning to control my anger. I’m not sure where this angry spirit came to play in my life, perhaps it stems from my childhood. I was raised in a very strict home, a mother who suffered from severe depression and organic personality disorder and a father who had already left for work when I woke up and still at work when I went to bed. Life wasn’t always peaches and cream for me nor my two younger sisters, however as an adult I realized that I could not use my childhood as a crutch to harbor my anger.

I can remember instances where I have caused bodily harm to myself and others, put others in harm’s way, came close to death and even a lifetime in prison as a result of not knowing how to control my anger. Recently, I purchased a book from my church’s bookstore entitled, Breaking Free from Anger and Unforgiveness; a biblical strategy to conquer destructive reactions. A lot of the passages and scriptures really helped to open my eyes to a lot of the feelings I have harbored and held onto for so long that have been the root of my anger. Simply put, I realize it is time to LET IT GO. Say it with me, LET IT GO.

Of course, I know that it is easier said than done but trust me, if I can come to terms with a lot of the hostility I have held onto for many, many years than so can anyone. See, anger is a natural feeling. Even Jesus became angry when he took the form of man. The Pharisees, who continually refused to acknowledge Jesus as the messiah and tried to trap Him in their legalisms, angered Him.

The directive, “Be angry, and yet do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26), acknowledges that anger is a part of our natural human emotions (Mintle 25).However, it is not the actual emotion of anger that gets us into trouble and that has God pointing his finger at us in chastisement. It is how we react to our anger and what we do with it (and what we utilize as OUTLETS) that gets us into trouble.

I have been battling cigarette smoking for years. This is something that I have made several excuses for, as to why I have been smoking. "It helps relieve my stress," "It gives me something to do," "It helps me calm down when I'm really pissed off." All these excuses sounded good to me but in actuality, I was using it as an outlet because I did not know what to do with my pent up anger and aggressions.

Whenever I would get upset, the first thing I would do was light up! After almost 11 years of lighting up, reality hit me one day while I was sitting at my grandmother's side @ Washington Hospital Center in downtown Washington, DC. We had just received the news that she had colon cancer.

Shortly after, my best friend’s grandmother was rushed to the hospital where it was discovered she had developed kidney cancer.It seemed like stories of cancer were all over the place. Was this a sign from God? A message or warning to myself? I had read of Charlie Murphy's wife dying of breast cancer in her sleep, and a cousin of mine (who is only 31 years old) called me to tell me she had pelvic cancer. It was then I realized the cigarettes, needed to go.

If you are battling with anger, you are NOT alone.
Anger is a natural human feeling. Learning to control your anger is key.

Click here for a prayer to ask God for help in battling and controlling your anger.


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