Welcome to the Sistahs After God's Heart blogsite- You are not alone. We are at war with the devil. We are ladies who have decided to be in the world yet not of the world. We are not perfect and mistakes have been made. We are here to support each other and provide a strong system of Sistahs dealing with sexual impurity, dating as a christian, self-esteem issues, raising children, marriage, homosexuality and more.

Good Samaritans Still Exist

05 April 2010

Let's face it, the world is chaotic. The news exhibits the worse, most depressing facts about the society in which we live, it could drive an insane person insane. Every so often, we are reminded of God's love in the tiniest fashion. Take a look at this video, a toddler falls in the river while at a tourist attraction, and a man, whom is unknow to this day, jumps in to save the lilttle girl.

Why Aren't Our Women Getting Married?

25 March 2010

Today, while perusing the net, I found a startling statistic:

“According to 2009 U.S. Census Bureau reports, black females ages 35 to 44 are the only American women in their child-bearing years with lower marriage rates than men of the same race or ethnicity.”
 – Cindy George, The Houston Chronicle

This is very sad. Of course, I know and can observe with my own two eyes that there are more and more single mothers, broken homes and failed marriages than ever before. Why is this? I don't have an answer but of course, I have my theories (...)

Doubting Thomas

16 March 2010

Doubting Thomas - What can I learn from him?

Doubting Thomas was one of the 12 disciples in the Bible. Another name for Thomas was Didymus, which comes from the Hebrew and Greek words both meaning 'the twin.' He wasn't one of the more well known disciples, but he was popular enough to earn the nickname "Doubting Thomas{...}

Submission vs. Surrender {AUDIO}

15 March 2010

A lot of women are confused by the bible's instructions for a woman to be submissive to her husband. For some reason, this word scares a lot of women because they beleive that submission is the same as giving complete and total control of your life and independence over to your husband. This is far from true {...}

SPOTLIGHT: Lillian Ladele, you GO GIRL!

12 March 2010

Meet Lillian Ladele, a devout Christian Registrar, who has been refused permission to appeal to the supreme court when last year, she resinged and refused to grant marriage certificates to same-sex partnerships.

The World's Longest Married Couple

Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher of New Bern, N.C., hold the world
record for life in wedded bliss: 85 years. He's 104, and she's 101.

I thought this was adorable. It's amazing how many singles these days are longing for God to send them a mate or longing for a life-long companion, a partner a HUSBAND (or wife for my fellas).

What a lot of singles do not realize is that marriage is a partnership, it's a life-long commitment to another person through thick and thin, good times and bad. There is no running away or deciding you made a mistake once the "I dos" have been exchanged in front of all your friends, family and God. God does not smile upon divorce.

WTH: Lil Wayne to play the role of JESUS?!?!?

05 March 2010

Kiss my Black Bible!

 Lil Wayne is set to play the role of Jesus in a new adult cartoon. Kiss my black bible Lil' Wayne!

Single, Saved and Having Sex

Most of us smart, beautiful and single women after God’s Heart struggle with the same sin, sex. Sistahs, if you are having issues with staying from "between the sheets," I must recommend this book, Single, Saved and Having Sex by Ty Adams. She gives it to you straight up and doesn’t give the option of a chaser. Leave it to a woman who has struggled with sex since the age of 7, when she was molested.

Praise 104.1- Top 10 songs of the week

01 March 2010

Each week Praise 104.1 DC lists the top 10 songs on their  playlist. Be sure to check out their home page for the current song playing on the radio and the last four songs they've just played!

Continue to the top 10 songs of the week!!

Free Samples: Are you giving them out?

22 February 2010

Is your body a "free sample?"

Have you ever been to the food court at the mall? You see all of these fast food places and restaurants all lined up selling every variety of food that most people would like. When you look closer there are always these people in uniform holding a little piece of chicken on a stick for you to sample. Have you ever watched men in this scenario? Men will eat the chicken on a stick, leave, and still go over to Burger King and buy a whole super size combo and the whole nine.

Featured Sermon: Good Sex vs. Bad Sex

The Corinthian Church was filled with people who were in all sorts of sexual sin and reticent to see the need to repent of their ‘alternative lifestyles.’ Paul spoke frankly about the difference between good sex and bad sex while also refuting their silly arguments denying that the lordship of Jesus extended over their pants…

(Pastor Mark Driscoll, 4.23.06, 01hr:55mn)

Signs of a Desperate Woman

19 February 2010

We’ve all seen them or perhaps you are a woman that shows signs of desperation. Of course, every woman wants a good, decent God-fearing man and eventually a husband, but here are a few signs that will have men running the opposite direction.

Christian Gal in the City

17 February 2010

Ok ladies, as I surf the net looking for great resources for young women and sistahs after God's heart, I have found soooo many women out there who share the same issues and battles that I (we) do. It is always refreshing to discover that you are not alone when dealing with certain issues in your life.Whether it's sexual impurity, lesbianism, an abusive spouse, addiction or whatever you are dealing with, there is always some type of support system, if not in your home church. Well ladies, I'm here to help you find them so read on!

Dr. Ty shares the secret to GREAT SEX!

03 February 2010

The secret is out ladies, and it just may not be what you were expecting!

"The God in Me" by Mary Mary {VIDEO}

30 January 2010

Giving it up for God

28 January 2010

I think I was about 7 or 8 years old when my father first gave his life over to Christ. I don’t think I was surprised; my family (immediate and distant) had always been involved in the church. It was actually my mother, who guided my father to the Lord, not by her nagging and condemnation. But by the light that shined in and through her.

A Wife in Waiting {PRAYER}

19 January 2010

We all have a Purpose!

15 January 2010

Have you ever heard anyone say, there’s nothing special I can do; I just don’t have any purpose in life? Or, how about this, I just want to die, there’s nothing left in life for me to live for? We live in a culture today that puts so much emphasis on the wrong thing. After all, if you’re not young or beautiful, what is there for you? We are all affected by this.

A Prayer for Haiti {PRAYER}

14 January 2010

The Purpose of the Woman- What we can do to become more virtuous in our walk of faith

I stumbled across this article from the S.I.S.T.A.H.S. ministry’s blog. It was directed to, “All the Single Ladies,” and explains how God wants to be your guide in finding a new place – a place where those close to you care for you and admire you. He wants to demonstrate great love for you when we trust in Him and let Him be our guide through all things.

FRIENDS... how many of us have them?

12 January 2010

Christian Friends: 5 Traits of True Christian Friends

"Friends may come, and friends may go, but a true friend is there to help and inspire you to grow"

A woman named Florence posted this short poem on a forum. The lessons on three types of Christian friends were taught by Nancy Honeytree, a singer/songwriter who was one of the pioneers of contemporary Christian music. We are hoping these simple but valuable teachings stick with you, helping you to cultivate a few treasured friendships.

Guidance {Prayer}

A Prayer for Guidance

So what you're a sinner, Guess What? God wants you ANYWAY!

11 January 2010

"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst." 
1 Timothy 1:15

One of the most common misconceptions that non-believers have about Christianity and coming to Christ is that you have to “be right” or adopt a certain “stiff-like” lifestyle in order to be saved or be a Christian. This is NOT TRUE. The bible tells us to “come as you are.” That means in all your sin, your filth and dirt, God loves and wants you anyway.

ANGER- Just Let it Go!

Growing up, I have always had issues with anger, especially learning to control my anger. I’m not sure where this angry spirit came to play in my life, perhaps it stems from my childhood. I was raised in a very strict home, a mother who suffered from severe depression and organic personality disorder and a father who had already left for work when I woke up and still at work when I went to bed. Life wasn’t always peaches and cream for me nor my two younger sisters, however as an adult I realized that I could not use my childhood as a crutch to harbor my anger.

Who are the Sistahs After God's Heart?

This blog originally started as a simple idea a friend and I shared as an online diary of our personal struggles in our walk with Christ. Both of us have been through issues and situations that have been tragic, disheartening, and enlightening. We have dealt with betrayal, death, incarceration, lesbianism, molestation and more issues that some may never have believed we have experienced. We are not here to judge or condemn anyone; God is a loving and forgiving God and washes us clean when we REPENT our sins. We are here to offer our firsthand experiences with battling those of the world and as a support system for those who may be experiencing the same battles.

When coming into Christ (or re-dedicating your life to Christ) there are many questions that may arise and simply reading from the Bible may not be able to give you the clearest answer when needed. We found several websites and support groups out there, to say the least. We needed something different, a place where we could talk about our sins, our past lives, our dirt and filth and not be ashamed of where we came from.

As we said before, we are not here to judge or condemn, only to offer support and minister to those who are coming from where we have been. We are not preachers nor teachers. We are simply, two Sistahs After God's Heart and are learning everyday.
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