Welcome to the Sistahs After God's Heart blogsite- You are not alone. We are at war with the devil. We are ladies who have decided to be in the world yet not of the world. We are not perfect and mistakes have been made. We are here to support each other and provide a strong system of Sistahs dealing with sexual impurity, dating as a christian, self-esteem issues, raising children, marriage, homosexuality and more.

Christian Gal in the City

17 February 2010

Ok ladies, as I surf the net looking for great resources for young women and sistahs after God's heart, I have found soooo many women out there who share the same issues and battles that I (we) do. It is always refreshing to discover that you are not alone when dealing with certain issues in your life.Whether it's sexual impurity, lesbianism, an abusive spouse, addiction or whatever you are dealing with, there is always some type of support system, if not in your home church. Well ladies, I'm here to help you find them so read on!

One of my favorite and most recently discovered blogs is written by a budding journalist Selena Gray, entitled Christian Gal in the City. Her blog is honest, pure and from the heart. Ms. Gray, straight from London, talks about her struggles, as she says B.C. (Before Christ) and how she overcame many of the sins of the world to become a woman after God's heart.

You can check out her blog by clicking here.


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