Welcome to the Sistahs After God's Heart blogsite- You are not alone. We are at war with the devil. We are ladies who have decided to be in the world yet not of the world. We are not perfect and mistakes have been made. We are here to support each other and provide a strong system of Sistahs dealing with sexual impurity, dating as a christian, self-esteem issues, raising children, marriage, homosexuality and more.

Who are the Sistahs After God's Heart?

11 January 2010

This blog originally started as a simple idea a friend and I shared as an online diary of our personal struggles in our walk with Christ. Both of us have been through issues and situations that have been tragic, disheartening, and enlightening. We have dealt with betrayal, death, incarceration, lesbianism, molestation and more issues that some may never have believed we have experienced. We are not here to judge or condemn anyone; God is a loving and forgiving God and washes us clean when we REPENT our sins. We are here to offer our firsthand experiences with battling those of the world and as a support system for those who may be experiencing the same battles.

When coming into Christ (or re-dedicating your life to Christ) there are many questions that may arise and simply reading from the Bible may not be able to give you the clearest answer when needed. We found several websites and support groups out there, to say the least. We needed something different, a place where we could talk about our sins, our past lives, our dirt and filth and not be ashamed of where we came from.

As we said before, we are not here to judge or condemn, only to offer support and minister to those who are coming from where we have been. We are not preachers nor teachers. We are simply, two Sistahs After God's Heart and are learning everyday.


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