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A Wife in Waiting {PRAYER}

19 January 2010

Lord, I thank You for my life, my purpose, and for the revelation of Your truth to me. I know in the core of my being that my life's purpose includes being a wife. Without You, nothing good can come to me. So I rely on You and Your leading to bring me to my destiny.

I trust You to lead me and to guide me. I rely on You to teach me what I need to know in regards to marriage and to my responsibilities as a wife. I know that marriage isn't a fairy tale, and there are challenges and trials I will endure. But I also know that Your kind of blessings make me rich, and brings no sorrow to me. So I know in the end, I will enjoy and be satisfied in the relationship You will be bring to my life. Help me to stay in your perfect will, so I can be in the right place at the right time, to meet the man I can love and support for the days You allow us to share together.

Lord, I am ready to work. I am ready to be taken care of and to take care of. I am ready to help a man that needs my help. I am ready to aid him in fulfilling his purpose on this earth. I will do good to him and not evil all the days of his life. Lord, fashion me into the woman that will please You and that will be good to him. Lord, give him what he needs to love and care for me. I thank You for expanding his borders, for bringing him into the knowledge of Your riches for him, and for establishing his feet in the path of Your will.

I am not anxious; I am expectant of the time we will meet. Until then, may I bring glory to your life, may I respond to your direction in obedience, and may my life reflect what you would like to see in a princess in Your kingdom. In Jesus' Name,


This prayer was originally posted by Chritine Pembledon, author of Lord, I'm Ready to be a Wife


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